Saturday, March 29, 2008

Made by dad

Now from Sawyer's Vault of Pictures...The Blue football!!!

When my dad was in High School, he took a class where he learned to sew. Since my dad is very manly, he couldn't make just any old thing. He decided to make a blue football, which he has kept for over 10 years. When he adopted me, he decided it would be the perfect gift. So he let me play with it. This blue and black football was used so many times playing catch with my dad. (Personal Note: who needs human children when you can play the same games with your favorite dog?!?) I think that's why I still love football today. I also love the fall so that I can sit on the couch next to my dad watching the Dallas Cowboys. Now that's the life! Here's a photo of the wear and tear from playing so much catch. I made sure not to rip it to shreds since my dad loved it so much! Thanks dad for sharing such a special gift!

Friday, March 28, 2008

My First Toy

Some of you may remember that my first toy came from my Uncle Scott. It was a blue dog. It was small and soft. I would carry it around everywhere I went.
Finally I realized that stuffing was inside. That was my favorite part. It was then that I found my love for devouring toys when my powerful jaw. Thanks Uncle Scott for showing me the strength within!

(P.S. Aren't I cute? As always, you can look in the archives to see me when I was a wee little pup. I was adorable. Or at least that's what my mom says!)

Thursday, March 27, 2008

Ode to Toys

Toys, toys everywhere. Toys, toys not going to share!

Here were a few of my favorite toys. My blue dog, my tennis ball, my water bone, my blue rope and a bone shard. Also included is a rubber snake from outside that was meant to scare away the birds. Didn't scare me! I'm Sawyer the dog! I don't run from toys. I run AT them! Grrrrr!

Wednesday, March 26, 2008


After showing the photos of my red toy, it reminded me of all my favorite toys in the past. Many of them do not remain today. However, their memory lives on. While thinking about those toys, I got a bright idea!!!!

Why not blog about those cherished items that made live so much more enjoyable. So get ready in the next few days (or even weeks) to see how toys have made my life exciting!! To the right is a photo to take get us started on a jog down memory lane!

Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Now that's fun

Life is too short not to enjoy! Sometimes you have to let down your hair and experience the moment. That's exactly how I felt with my red toy. As it crumbled into tiny shreds, I made sure to roll around in it. Now that's the high life! Thanks Grandma Diana for the toy and all the fun moments that it brought to me!!

Monday, March 24, 2008

My Red Rope Toy

Here I am with one of my more recent toys, the red rope toy that my Grandma Diana brought me shortly after New Years. It was super cool. It was huge and made up of large pieces of thick yarn all balled up. (Much better than those cat toys made of yarn). This one had a handle made of rope. At first I carried it around the house showing everyone. Finally, I couldn't resist riping it to shreds. I do have to admit that sometimes I am stronger than I realize. Once I put my mind to something, nothing can stop me!

Sunday, March 23, 2008

Happy Easter

I would like wish everyone a Very Happy Easter. Today is my favorite day of the year! Though I said it would be photos of me, I wanted to take a moment and show a picture of JJ last Easter. She just loved reading the book about Jesus!!! She could even read it upside down. JJ read it aloud to me over and over. She said... that Jesus was God's son. He came to Earth a long time ago. He did lots of miracles and wonders. Some people were jealous of him and they nailed him to the Cross. Jesus died for our sins (when we turn away from God). The best part of the story is that after 3 days, he came back to life. No one has ever done that. JJ told me that he went to his disciples who weren't sure if it was him. He said...."Look I have holes in my hand. Wanna see?" That's how they knew that Jesus was God's son and that he was no longer dead. He was alive. At the end of the story she sings...."He's alive, He's Aliiiiiiive!!!"

Saturday, March 22, 2008

Back to Me

Okay, It's time to get back to me!!!
There are recent photos of my family celebrating Easter, but I thought that my loyal blog viewers would like to see a photo of ME first!!! I know everyone has missed seeing how cute I am. So, you wish has come true!! For the next few days, it will me, me, and more of me!!

Friday, March 21, 2008

One Last Photo

Here is the last photo of JJ's 4th Birthday Party. After all of the balloons, playing, and food, everyone went home from the party. JJ, Bunny, and my mom went through all of the gifts to see what JJ received. JJ really loved the play make-up. She thought it was perfect addition to her dress-up collection. She and my mom thought they would try it on along with their princess crowns and jewelry. What a fun party for everyone!!! The best part is that the fun never stops!

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Thursday, March 20, 2008

That's my Uncle Ryan

Jett and Lily both really love my dad (what can I say he's a child and animal magnet). They both loved their time hanging out with him. However, they did get a little jealous that they had to share his time between the two of them. So they finally decided to "duke it out." However, they don't have hands, only paws. So they used their jaws of steel to scare the other one. At the end of the day, they both decided they could share Uncle Ryan since they both knew they could never be his #1 favorite dog since that title is mine forever!!!

Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Meet Tiger Lily

Jett has a new sister living at her house. Her name is Tiger Lily. She is a Boxer (but not one of those that fights in a boxing match). She is the baby of the William's family. She is really JJ's dog. JJ has to help take care of her by feeding her and letting her go outside. She also has to get Lily into the cage that I let my new baby cousin borrow. She is still a puppy and has to stay inside her cage when the family goes out since she likes to nibble on things.
When she first met my dad, she was a little timid since she is shy around men. But after a few minutes, they too became quick friends. I wasn't worried though because I know that Lily is still a puppy. And though puppies are cute, they are a lot of hard work to train. I know my dad worked hard to get me trained just the way he likes me. Though I don't always listen to him, I am much better than when I was a wee little pup. Boy how times have changed. If you can't remember (or don't know) what I was like as a little puppy, make sure you look in the archives to see over a year's worth of blogs showing me growing up!!

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Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Resting with Jett

After playing dress-up, my dad was pooped. So he sat in the big comfy chair to relax. My cousin, Jett, thought it was a great opportunity to get her time in with my dad. They are good friends. Jett was so excited that my dad was there to play with her. She knew that SHE was the real reason why he came to Tulsa.
Hey dad, don't get too comfortable with Jett. Remember your favorite dog was not at the party, but was at son, Sawyer. I know you wouldn't forget that...would you?

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Monday, March 17, 2008


With a swing of his wand, my dad was able to make the pink boa disappear from his neck and land on Grandpa's. He even made fairy wings show up on Grandpa's hat. Now who's laughing?!?
Before he could wave his magic wand to make his crown disappear, one of the kids took the wand to match their outfit. They replaced it with a sports flag, which is fitting for my dad since he loves sports so much. Everyone decided that since dad likes all kinds of sports like football and baseball, he also needed sunglasses to complete his look for when he outdoors at sports events. He looked so cool, that everyone joined him for a quick photo. Doesn't that look like a lot of fun? I wish I could have been there. Maybe next time I go to JJ's, she can dress me up like the Prince that I really am.

Sunday, March 16, 2008

Now that's Crazy!!!!!

Since the children at JJ's party seemed to love my dad Ryan so much, my Grandpa thought it was only right that my dad take part in the dress-up events. So he grabbed the Pink Boa that my mom bought JJ and placed it on dad's neck along with a King's Crown. Dad didn't know why Grandpa got the Dr Suess hat. He thought it was a bit cooler than the boa he was wearing. Dad had one of the kids bring him a wand to try and change the situation. I wonder if it will work? Find out tomorrow.
P.S. Please don't tell my dad that I posted this photo on my blog. I don't think he wanted anyone else to see it. I can't imagine why.

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Saturday, March 15, 2008

I told you so!!!

I warned my dad that something might happen if he fell asleep at the party. Some of JJ's friends decided to play dress up. They decided the best place to take a photo was next to my sleeping dad. He woke up to a princess and a little boy in a fairy dress. Now that can't be right!
What could get worse than that? You'll have to tune in tomorrow to see what my Grandpa did to my Dad while he was snoozing at the party. You won't believe your eyes.


Friday, March 14, 2008

All worn out

After playing a great balloon game of Keep Away, my dad was plum worn out. He had to take a quick nap to regain some energy. Doi thought it was great idea so she rested her eyes a bit as well. You better watch out dad. Anytime someone falls asleep first at a party, something crazy happens to them. But, maybe not at this party since it's in the middle of the day. Good luck!

Thursday, March 13, 2008

Hey Dad -- Having fun?

After looking at all the photos from the party, I'd have to say that my dad had a blast. At one point, he was the center of attention. All of the kids thought it was funny to grab as many balloons as the could and throw them at him while he batted them away. He has lightening fast reflexes like a dog!! In the photo to the left, he is saying "Get Tricia! " My mom was holding the camera. What fun would it be if everyone turned on mom and threw balloons at her. Who would be my photographer? Besides, dad was having way too much fun. (That's just another reason to remind my dad that I want a room full of balloons for my birthday. If you haven't told him yet, make sure you do!! Okay? Thanks)


Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Makeup is for Girls Only

Everyone had a blast at JJ's party, including the boys. They were amazed at all the things JJ had in her Princess Vanity. Some of them even wanted to try out some make-up. JJ made sure that they knew that only girls could play with make-up. Well....Girls and Sawyer that Dog, that is!!

P.S. Notice the cool new dress JJ had on. She got it from Grandma Beef Jerky. Of all of the gifts she received, I think the dress was her favorite. When she finished opening all the presents, she turned to her mom and asked if she could put the dress on. Once she changed her clothes, Julia quickly let JJ know that her "Grandma had great taste." I think I'd have to agree. Afterall, her name IS Grandma Beef Jerky.

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Thanks for your help Julia

JJ had lots of friends help her opening gifts. She was really excited that her other best friend, Julia (remember I'm her first best friend), was there by her side. Julia ooohhhed and aaaawwwwed at all of JJ's amazing presents. JJ loved the Princess suitcase, Princess jewelry case, and the Princess Lunch box fill of Princess stuff. It's exactly what she needed! A princess can never have enough pink and purple!!

Monday, March 10, 2008

Presents for the Princess

No party is complete without PRESENTS!!! And JJ got tons of them. I heard she had so many presents she could feel up a room! She made sure that she opened each and every one. She stopped every once and a while to show all her friends what she received and tell them how she was going to use them. She loves arts and crafts so she was excited to get construction paper, craft pads and markers. She couldn't wait to tell about all the things she was going to draw once the party was over. I wish I had thumbs. If I did, I would be right there drawing next to her. I guess I could just sit next to her and lick the paper when she draws. I do that to mom when she is making cards. I don't think she seems to mind!

Sunday, March 09, 2008

Cake for Everyone

Well, almost everyone. My parents forgot to bring my piece home. I figured that since I was invited as a VIP guest, they would at least save me a piece. I think that maybe Grandpa ate my piece. Here he is with Grandma Beef Jerky and Aunt Doi celebrating with cake and ice cream. For some reason he is sticking out his tongue while Grandma is laughing. Is he mocking me??? You better watch out Grandpa. Next time you come to my house, I just might steal your food when you're not looking!!!

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Saturday, March 08, 2008

Make a Wish

JJ's birthday cake was super cool. It had a picture of her on it with a crown and Cinderella. It even said Perfect Princess! She did so great at blowing out all the candles. I think her friends helped her too. Hopefully they didn't get any slobber on the cake. Either way, I would have still eaten it. Afterall, I'm a dog and I dream about people food. I wonder what she wished for? I bet she wished that next year I could be there by her side blowing out the candles and eating all the cake and ice cream. What a great best friend she is!

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Friday, March 07, 2008

No Party is Complete Without....

Family!! Aunt Doi and Grandma also came to the party. Though there was pizza, they wanted to make something special for all the adults that came. There were about 40 adults and 10 kids present. So while Ryan and Pa were doing balloons, Ma and Doi were making noodles and egg rolls. They stopped for a while to enjoy the decorations and all the festivities!

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Thursday, March 06, 2008

Partying with Friends

JJ had lots of friends come to her party. They ate lots of pizza and had lots of things to do like the Jupiter Jump, Princess Bubble Maker, Sidewalk Chalk, Dress-up, etc. However I think everyone's favorite part was the balloons. I'm would sure love to be there running through the balloons. Maybe for my next birthday, I can convenience my parents to give me a room full of balloons for me to run through. It would be even better than Christmas wrapping paper. If you talk to my parents, let me know my secret wish. Maybe you're input will encourage them to do it!!!


Wednesday, March 05, 2008

JJ's Jupiter Jump

Can you say that 5 times fast?!? For JJ's party, it was nice weather outside. So her parents borrowed a jupiter jump. JJ really wanted my mom to join her inside. So she summoned her at the castle gates. My mom was a little hesitatnt, but after checking the weight limit, she obliged the princess by coming into her birthday castle. They had so much fun jumping (or sitting) in the Jupiter Jump. How fun! Maybe next year, I can go to the party and play on the jump. Are there any rules about no dogs?

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Tuesday, March 04, 2008

Setting up

There is a lot of things to do to get a birthday party ready. Pa and my dad, Ryan, were in charge of blowing up as many balloons as possible. Then JJ would help put them around the room. There were balloons on the chairs, the cake table and everywhere else you could imagine.

Eventually they ran out of helium, but there were still tons of balloons. So, they decided to blow as many as they could and let the air compressor do the rest. There were so many they decided to cover the floor with them. In the mean time, they also decided to have a little fun!! Who knew that such hard work could be a blast.
PS. Sorry some of the photos are blurry. They get better so stay tuned.

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