Sunday, March 23, 2008

Happy Easter

I would like wish everyone a Very Happy Easter. Today is my favorite day of the year! Though I said it would be photos of me, I wanted to take a moment and show a picture of JJ last Easter. She just loved reading the book about Jesus!!! She could even read it upside down. JJ read it aloud to me over and over. She said... that Jesus was God's son. He came to Earth a long time ago. He did lots of miracles and wonders. Some people were jealous of him and they nailed him to the Cross. Jesus died for our sins (when we turn away from God). The best part of the story is that after 3 days, he came back to life. No one has ever done that. JJ told me that he went to his disciples who weren't sure if it was him. He said...."Look I have holes in my hand. Wanna see?" That's how they knew that Jesus was God's son and that he was no longer dead. He was alive. At the end of the story she sings...."He's alive, He's Aliiiiiiive!!!"


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