Tuesday, February 05, 2008


Wake up everyone, Santa has come! It's time for presents under the tree. Barclay and I were very excited that morning had come and we could open presents. I spent a lot of time explaining to him the night before why presents are so exciting. He couldn't wait to jump right on in and open em all. So we hopped next to the tree and made sure everyone was ready. Grandma Diana showed us all the special stockings she made for us, D-O-G, Alpine, Charlette and Oscar. The stockings were all hung with care on the mantle and Santa Claus has dropped off goodies for each of us. Since we were ready and posed by the tree, Grandma Diana took the stockings for Barclay and I and hung them on the tree for a perfect Christmas morning photo. The red one was mine and I could barely wait to open it up. Since we were sitting so well, we got a treat from our stocking right away. It was delicious. I told Barclay that sitting and looking cute usually gets you a treat. You just have to know how to work the system. And I am a great teacher of how to do that (thus the wink to the left). Christmas treats are awesome!



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