Dancing Queens
My mom and I listen to the music of ABBA all the time (We loved it in the musical Mama Mia). One of my favorite songs is Dancing Queen. For Christmas, I got to experience what the song really meant. Late in the evening, Aunt Doi, JJ and my mom danced to Christmas music. Aunt Doi even added a traditional Thai dress and her new scarf as props. They would dance, leap, and turn all around the living room.
It look liked so much fun that I couldn't help but join in. When they where going in a circle with the scarves, I tried to grab my spot in the group. However since I don't have hands (with thumbs), I had to use my mouth. I thought it was as blast! After every in the room shouted my name, I looked up to see JJ's expression. For some reason I don't think she liked me dancing with her. She was probably jealous because I am an awesome dancer. Little does she know I practice with my mom all the time at home. I decided I wouldn't steal her thunder and let her be the princess since she takes Dance classes. But, we all know that Prince Sawyer is the best dancer in the family!!!
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