Friday, May 16, 2008

Look Ma, I Helped

Last year, we had some plants in the corner of our patio so that I could see them from the inside of the house. So I helped my mom pick a few out. Some of the plants were beautiful all by themselves so there was no need to combine them like the pink Geraniums, purple Mexican Heather, and the greenish-white (oh so soft) Lambs Ear. The Lamb's Ear is so soft that my mom said it reminded her of my ears. But we all know that nothing can be that soft!

My mom liked the lamb's ear so much that we bought a little one for the mini pot between the patio chairs where she sits to take in some rays. I also added some of the celosias and festival dance coleus. Maybe those bright color plants will distract my mom from loving the lamb's ear so much. After all, few things in life should ever be more important than noticing and petting me!!! Don't you agree?


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