Phantom of the Opera
For my parents second anniversary, they took a trip to London. To celebrate their special day, they went to the Phantom of the Opera at Her Majesty's Theatre. It just so happens that this was the original site of the play's release with music by Andrew Lloyd Webber. It has been playing there since Oct 8, 1986. During that 21 years, every performance has been sold out.
Here is a photo of the theatre, which is being renovated on the outside, as well as my parents at Piccadilly Circus afterwards. Photos were not allowed inside and it was strictly enforced. According to my parents, highlights of the show included:
Sitting in the second row near the middle.....adoring the beautiful and quaint historical theater......Seeing the Chandelier lifted above their heads (my dad could have stood up and touched it as it was so close) and later crashing down as if it was going to fall on them......seeing all the details of the elaborate costumes and make-up close up.....watching the smoke-illusioned lake fade away into the orchestra pit....and being together to celebrate their special night in such a special way!!!
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