Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Diana will save me

When I finally got out, I figured that I could hide behind Diana. I knew my dad wouldn't get her wet! So I quickly moved behind her chair. However, I did not talk to her because she was laughing when I was in the pool. I think she was supporting my dad. Who's side are you on....dad's or mine?


Monday, July 30, 2007

I'm not kidding

I think my dad thought I was just being silly about the pool. I DO NOT LIKE IT! To convince him, I had to get my mean eyes out. You probably thought it was just "red eye" from the camera. Nope, it's the fury in my eyes trying to convince my dad that swimming is not for me. (Click on the photo to enlarge to see my eyes)


Sunday, July 29, 2007

I said..."I do not like this"

Since I would not get into the pool, my dad had to pick me up. My goal was to get away from him and swim to safety. By safety, I mean anywhere but the pool. Man, it's so wet. What do you think I am...and alligator?


Saturday, July 28, 2007


Why can't my dad understand that even though I can swim, I do not like to swim. I do not like any kind of water except for the kind that you drink. However, my dad thinks that if I swim, I will begin to like it...WRONG!


Friday, July 27, 2007


I would like to take a minute during this series to wish a very Happy Birthday to My Uncle Matt!! He is one of my favorite friends. When he comes to visit, I can't help be right next his side. He's a dog's best friend!!!



Wednesday, July 25, 2007

Grandma Diana's Backyard

My Grandma Diana knows that I really love plants and flowers. In fact, you may remember that she came to my house and landscaped my backyard to make it a more fun place for me to stay during the day. Here are some of your beautiful masterpieces at her house!

Tuesday, July 24, 2007

Hey dad...

Do you know where you're going? Should we turn here? Can you let down the window? Will you turn off the windshield wipers? I know that my dad is from Dallas, but I couldn't help asking if he had the directions to Grandma's house and if he could make a few changes so I would be a little more comfortable. I guess you can call me a backseat driver!!

Monday, July 23, 2007

On the Road Again

For the summer, my parents and I took a trip to Dallas to celebrate their birthdays. I think I am getting ahold of this traveling thing. I have finally learned how to sit down in the backseat instead of running back and worth the entire time. Here I am watching the road as we travel on the way to Grandma and Grandpa's house! As JJ once said..."Sawyer is a good boy!"


Sunday, July 22, 2007

Time to Go See Sawyer

Finally after a long day at the zoo, my family missed me so much they have to come home and play with me. Aren't I loved?!?! Everyone loves a Sawyer Burk!! Here is JJ right before she left the zoo with her umbrella to shade her from the sun. I'm so glad she wanted to come home and play with a REAL cool animal that's sooooo cool that not even the zoo the has one...it's me!


Saturday, July 21, 2007

Tired as a Bunny

Of all the statues of animals that JJ found at the zoo, her favorite was the BUNNY!! Isn't that cool?!? Here mom's name is Bunny. They stopped to take a photo, but JJ decided she was getting tired and wanted to rest just like the Bunny. Silly goose! She's so funny!

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Friday, July 20, 2007


You know, I have to take credit that I have taught my dad how to play with children. When JJ first arrived to America, she did not play with my dad much. However, at the zoo she played chase with him.

Chase is one of my favorite games that I have taught my good old dad!! By looking at the photos, I think that JJ might have won! Hope you had fun!
JJ, You can thank me later!

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Wednesday, July 18, 2007

JJ's Carousel

JJ just loves the Carousel. During her third birthday party, she rode the carousel over 20 times. So grandpa knew she would love the animal carousel at the zoo. And he was right!!! After five times around, Pa decide he might ride a little too.

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Monday, July 16, 2007

Now that's Scary

While they were at the zoo, my family saw some alligators. Alligators have huge jaws with sharp teeth. They also have long pointy tales. Scariest of all...they have to stay in the water. I hate water. It scares me to death. Poor Alligators!

Saturday, July 14, 2007

Grandapa's Favorites

Grandpa's favorite animal is the Eagle. Here he is with JJ in front of the bald eagle sign and JJ riding an eagle. Look closely to see four of Pa's favorite things below...JJ, Eagles, Harley Davidson, and the USA flag. Doesn't get any better than that on your 60th birthday!

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Friday, July 13, 2007

Can you find an animal?

Look closely at this photo. There's a beautiful animal with black hair. Can you find it?

If you were thinking it was JJ, the Monkey, you were wrong. It's a grizzly bear in the background. Pa lifted JJ up so she could see it up close and personal.

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Thursday, July 12, 2007


There creatures were JJ's favorite. They didn't monkey around!! JJ and her mother watched from a distance as the gorilla's played. The gorillas liked JJ so much they let her become one. She climbed up and sat on the back on the daddy gorilla. She's so brave.

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Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Cool Animals

Since I am a dog, I didn't know that some animals were really tall or have fluffy feathers. My parents showed me these photos of a giraffe and an ostrich. They roam free, just like me!! (Well, you know, lots of land but still inside a fence. Makes life easier!)

Tuesday, July 10, 2007

Elephants at the Zoo

There were lots of elephants at the zoo. Ironically, JJ liked the statues of the elephants the best. Here she is going for a ride. She doesn't look too happy. Maybe it's because the elephants didn't move and couldn't take her anywhere. Maybe some day she can go to Thailand with Ma and she can ride a real elephant. Cool!!


Monday, July 09, 2007

Celebrating Grandpa's Bday

For Pa's Birthday, my family went to the zoo. Unfortunately, they did not take me. They said that you are not allowed to take animals to the zoo. Go figure! It's a place full of animals. Who thought up that rule...it's just silly. Here is a photo of Pa with my dad. They were the tour guides for the day. They brought back photos for me to enjoy so I thought I would share them with my blog viewers.

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Sunday, July 08, 2007

JJ's Visit

JJ came to visit me a few weeks ago to celebrate my parents birthday and my Grandpa's 60th birthday. Here she is at my house with my dad. She is showing him her new princess coloring book. While she painted the pictures, I tried to steal her paints when she wasn't looking. It was a great game!

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Wednesday, July 04, 2007


Happy 4th of July everyone!

I thought I would bring out one of my favorite 4th of July photos from last year. Here is JJ with her Pa and Ma!! In the next few days, there will be recent photos of JJ with her family this year. You can see how much everyone has changed!!

FYI...my Grandma Beef Jerky (JJ calls her Ma) travelled to Thailand today. Please pray that she has a great 3 weeks visiting family and friends. We can't wait until she comes home again! I love that Grandma!!

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Tuesday, July 03, 2007

All the Jacksons

Here is the Jackson 5 with their Grandma Sylvia. She came up from Corpus Christi to celebrate with everyone! We were so glad she was here! Cute family, huh!


Monday, July 02, 2007

More birthdays

While Kristen, Bradley, and "D" were here, we celebrated their birthdays as well as my parents and Marcy. Here are the three cakes they had for their birthday. Yum, yum!!!! WAIT A MINUTE. I just realized I didn't get any cake. That's not cool! Maybe next time!


Sunday, July 01, 2007

The Jackson 5

I figured my blog viewers were wondering who the Jackson 5 were. So here they are at the Civic Center for WICKED ... Deaundra, Marcy, Bryan, Bradley, and Kristen. They are all my friends. We've had a great summer together playing board games. They play and I run from person to person to get attention. So much fun!
