Monday, December 31, 2007

Friends in the Warm Places

During the dreary ice storm of 2007, I was able to host some of my favorite friends. Danielle and Adam's house lost power so they came to ours for warmth and fun times! They brought along two of my newest friends Patty and Toby. (Patty is the one between with her parents)
It was a blast to have them around! However, they got a little too close and personal with my dad. I was so upset that they were sitting on his lap and running by his head that I told dad exactly how I felt. (You definitely need to enlarge this photo to see our facial reactions.) Sometimes dad needs a reminder that his loyalty is to me Sawyer the Dog. I AM YOUR FAVORITE DOG...right dad?
My parents quickly reminded me that I needed to be nice to my new friends. They also told me it was important to share. So I decide to take a lesson from them and share THEIR parents. Here I am laying on Danielle's soft socks while her and Adam watched a movie. I think I'm starting to like this sharing thing!!

Sunday, December 30, 2007

Trouble with Ice

Now this is the story all about how my life got quick turned upside. I'd like to take a minute, just sit right there and I'll tell you how I became the prince of that ice storm out there!! (Sing previous lines to Fresh Prince theme song to get the full effect!)

As you know, the ice storm came to my house this year. Many Oklahomans lost electricity. Luckily we did not at our house. Therefore, we got to stay home and play! My favorite part was playing in the front yard on the crunchy grass. (click on the photos to enlarge the icy cold details.)

While I was playing, I noticed something moving in the bushes. What could it be??? I got a few steps closer and......POW! A cat ran right out in front of my face. Being the good hunting dog that I am, I decided to chase it.

I was off....but the cat was moving as fast as lighting. So I picked up the pace only to find out that the driveway was covered with layers of ice. You know what that means traction. The cat dashed around the car but my paws could not get figure out the ice and before I knew it....SPLAT!

That's right! A simple game of chase with the neighborhood cat ended in destruction. How was I to know that lack of traction in the driveway would lead to hitting the side of mom's car with a BANG? Even though I didn't leave a dent in the car and I got right back up to chase the cat from our yard, my dad was not happy. He sternfully brought me back inside the house. At least I got a little bit of excitement during the ice storm. It was definitely worth the punishment!

Saturday, December 29, 2007

In Loving Memory

I would like to take today to honour my Great-Grandma Emma Jean. She is my Grandpa Bob's mother. She passed away over Christmas at the age of 78. Her funeral will take place in her hometown of Wilson, OK today. As my family reflects her life today, we are thankful for what she provided for our family. She was a simple and kind women. She didn't ask for anything but love. And love is exactly what she gave. Her children, grandchildren, and great grandchildren knew that she cared about them deeply. She will forever be missed, but we know that she is in heaven and we will see her soon!

Friday, December 28, 2007

"The weather outside is frightful....

....but my dear it's so delightful. But since we've no place to go. Let it ice, let it ice, let it ice."

What a wet year Oklahoma has had. There has been lots of rain, sleet, and snow. Just in time for Christmas, we received a Winter Wonderland. Here are a few photos of my backyard with the ice covered decor! I just love it when my dad comes outside and places with me in the crunchy ice. My mom takes part too...she stays by the door and takes photos. She isn't daring like the men in our house who brave the elements! But we love her anyways. Besides who else would take all these photos and help me type my blog?

Thursday, December 27, 2007

What a great gift!!

For an early Christmas present, my parents got some new bedding. They already had the comforter, but they wanted to make the bed more comfy like my Grandma Diana's bed. So my parents got satin/velour pillows to rest their heads. My mom also got my dad a new silk coverlet with silk pillows for the coolness of the silk material. Grandma Diana added some throw pillows to help complete the bedding. Overall, I think it was a great idea because it's a perfect place for me to rest when they are at work! Thanks mom and dad for sharing your early Christmas gift!

Wednesday, December 26, 2007

Resting with the family

I always try to be the HOST WITH THE MOST whenever I am around everyone. I make sure to protect everyone and check to see what they are doing at all times. Doing this can be very tiring. So at the end of the day, I just have to sit back and relax with the fam!

Tuesday, December 25, 2007


From our family to yours, we would like to wish you a Merry Christmas! Our family loves to celebrate the day of Jesus' birth. We hope that you are blessed this Christmas season and that you remember the true meaning of Christmas!

Monday, December 24, 2007


As you probably know, JJ and I are best friends. Over the years, our friendship gets better and better. She is such a great friend that she pets me when I'm sleepy and even gets a cup for me to drink water so I don't have to get up and go in the other room. I hate being away from everyone so she makes sure I'm taken care of well! What a great friend!

Sunday, December 23, 2007

Toys, Toys, Everywhere

After a big Thanksgiving dinner and decorating the tree, I got to hang out with my Aunt Doi in her room. We became best friends when she took care of my for a week when my parents were in London. We had so much to catch up on since we parted!

A few days ago, you saw JJ, Doi, and I playing with bears. Well, Doi had several others toys that she gradually brought out for us to enjoy. The toys made for a fun night as well as a great photo opp!

As you can tell, toys are not just for kids. Adults and dogs can
have a blast with all these stuffed animals. If guess you're never too old for toys.

I have such a fun family. I'm so glad they treat me just a person and include me in everything. They are the best!!

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Saturday, December 22, 2007

That's my dad!!

My dad was a big help while JJ was decorating the tree. Earlier that day, JJ went to Wal-Mart with the family. She got to pick out a new Barbie. However, she didn't want just one. She wanted a bride and groom just like Ryan & Tricia.

When it came time to decorate the tree, JJ needed someone to hold her new toys. She decided my dad was the perfect person. Here he is doing his job.

When JJ was done decorating the tree, she wanted her dolls back and HER chair. Ryan relinquished the dolls, but put up a fight for his right in the comfy recliner. JJ eventually won!

Friday, December 21, 2007

Miss you Paul & Cynthia

Paul, Cynthia and Jedi were unable to come to Altus for Christmas. However, they were not forgotten. Instead they were missed by all. One of the best parts about Thanksgiving was that we got to talk to them over the computer via Messenger. I think we made them dizzy with the movable camera that we used to get everyone on the screen. Here are the ornaments for their family. This includes a special ornament for Harvard, my Jack Russell cousin who is no longer with us. Love you all!!!

Thursday, December 20, 2007

Decorating the Tree

Since this is Aunt Doi's first Thanksgiving and Christmas, we wanted to decorate the Christmas tree together as a family. In our family, we have ornaments for each member of our family and we put them on in the order of age/family order (Pa&Ma---Doi---Bunny---Paul---Tricia) . We were able to add a new ornament for Aunt Doi this year. We are so glad she is here with us in America. What a great thing to be Thankful for!!

Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Playing with the Dolls

Aunt Doi has never been to a garage sale until she came to America. She said that stuffed animals are very expensive in Thailand. Therefore, she has found so many treasures to take home for the children she knows. She let my mom and JJ play with some of the bears. My Aunt Doi also loves me so much that she included me in the playtime. However, I did need occasional reminders not to lick, bite or nibble on the toys. (As always, click to enlarge photos)

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Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Best Cooks in Town

I would like to make a tribute to the two best cooks I know, Grandma Beef Jerky and Aunt Doi. The best part is that I can roam around the kitchen while they are cooking and occasionally sneak a piece of the delicious food they are preparing. Sometimes they even give me food when my parents aren't looking. That's why when I'm at Grandma's house I make sure to beg because I know that I might get PEOPLE FOOD!!! Yum, yum!! Boy, am I thankful for Thanksgiving at the Duit house!
I think my Aunt Doi was excited and thankful to see the pumpkins that I brought from my Grandma Diana's house. She's never seen a pumpkin or gourd that big.

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Monday, December 17, 2007

Thanksgiving with JJ

For our second Thanksgiving trip, we traveled to Altus to see my Grandma Beef Jerky. My Aunt Doi was so excited that I was coming. She has missed me so much. When we got there, we got to see JJ, Matt, Bunny, and Grandpa as well. JJ was waiting on the couch for me as you can tell. It was so much fun. I was the only dog so I got a lot of attention!

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Sunday, December 16, 2007

Burk Thanksgiving 2007

Here is a photo my family on the Burk side. In the photo, Mimi and Granddad are sitting. Behind them are my dad, Grandpa Don, Grandma Diana, Christy, Corky, and Kelly.

My mom is taking the photo as you can probably guess since she's not pictured. Also missing from the photo are all the granddogs including Barclay, D-O-G, Alpine, Charlotte, Oscar, and myself.

Saturday, December 15, 2007


I got to meet two of my cousins while I was at my Grandparents house. They came with my Uncle Corky and Aunt Kelly. Here is D-O-G with Corky. He was resting too. He likes comfort just like me. In fact, in this photo he is snuggling up on a pillow with his mommy's satin PJs. Now that's the life!

He's so little!

Even though Barclay is my uncle, he is still a baby dog. He's so little that he can sit on the counter to eat his dinner. For some reason everyone thought I might eat his food so they put it up high. Barclay didn't mind. Of course, he became really tired after playing with me for a while and then eating a large meal that he had to take a nap. He's still a youngin'! My grandparents said I was I good dog because I was very careful with him. He could jump and bite my ears and I wouldn't even budge. I even watched my steps so that I didn't harm my little uncle when he ran around in circles.


Friday, December 14, 2007


My parents and I had two weekends celebrating Thanksgiving on the road. Here we are at my Grandma Diana's and Grandpa Don's house. While we were there, I got to hang out with Sir Barclay Winston Churchill III. I guess he's my uncle like Toby was (my grandparents dog who has since passed away due to old age...he was 14 years old in people years...he is really missed by everyone). Here is Barclay and I with my dad hanging out. Maybe someday he'll grow to be as big as me, but my parents told me not to hold my breath.
P.S. I'm so cute in this photo you may have to double click to make it bigger to see my smile!


Thursday, December 13, 2007

It's All About Sawyer

I hope everyone enjoyed the photos from my parents trip to London. Now, it's time to get back to what's really important...ME!!! Since my parents have been back, we have been so busy. I can't wait to show you photos of Thanksgiving with the Burks and Duits! Everyone has loved hanging out with Sawyer the Dog!! I got lots of complements on how I have grown up and behave so well!! What can I say....I'm the best dog in the world!!! At least that's what my mommy tells me.

Here's a photo of me and my dad. Aren't I cute? I helped fix dad's hair by giving it a good lick while he was sleeping. I think he likes it! Lookin' good daddy-o!
