Friday, November 02, 2007

I'm Back!!!

Well, actually my parents are back! They went to London for a week on vacation without me. How dare them? They said they went to check it out and see if I would want to go there in the future. I'm kind of thinking they weren't telling the full truth. I think it was a 2nd Anniversary trip. Either way, I forgive them becuase they set up one of the best weeks of my entire life!!!

I got to spend one week with my Aunt Doi at my house 24-7. She hung out with me the whole time. We played, we rested, we chatted (in English and Thai). I have a new BEST FRIEND!!! I LOVE YOU AUNT DOI!! Come anytime. Here are a few photos of Aunt Doi from her Birthday Party at my house a few weeks ago.


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