Tuesday, June 27, 2006


Sawyer would like wish Ryan a Happy 27th Birthday!!
To celebrate, he selected some of his favorite
(never before published photos) of he and Ryan!!!

Sawyer would like to thank Ryan for always cuddling with him. He especially appreciated it when he was first adopted and a little scared. Ryan made it feel like HOME!!!

When Sawyer was big enough to go for his first walk, he was glad to have Ryan nearby when the neighborhood dogs got out of their yard. Though frightened, Sawyer was relieved when Ryan sheltered him. Thanks Ryan for always being the protector! He hopes that someday when he gets big, he will share in the duties.

Sawyer will never forget the times he and Ryan shared playing. Here Sawyer stuck is sticking out his tongue while playing with Ryan on the floor. Sawyer thinks Ryan is a blast to be around!

Sawyer also appreciates the time that he can rest and relax next to his favorite person. Whether resting after the watching the NBA Finals or taking a Sunday nap, it's always better to snoze knowing that those you love are never far away!


Sawyer can't wait to celebrate many more birthdays together!!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ryan's grandparents wish him a Happy Birthday. Sawyer, please tell Ryan that our birthday present for him is delayed becasue the carrier pidgeon didn't fly as was planned.

10:46 AM  

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